RONA UPDATE: DANISH MASK STUDY RELEASE… and guess what? I was right

I want you to notice what the below story states specifically: “In fact, according to the data, mask usage may actually increase the likelihood of infection.”
In the largest randomized controlled trial to date with 6,024 subjects, medical masks were NOT effective protection against infection. What’s odd is it seems the journal who published it left out many other factors that were measured: bacteria, psychological, full healthcare, sick leave, infection in the household, other hospital diagnostics, etc… NONE are included in the study. I want you to understand that to leave out ALL of the secondary outcomes is beyond bizarre. Remember when the scientist who conducted this study was asked when it would be published, he responded, “As soon as a journal is brave enough.” I have a real nagging sense that there is more to this story. I think they did a deal to get it published: we take out the scary part and make it plain-oatmeal bland and you publish it and we protect our careers and grant money. You can read the filed study here:
Fake HCQ study = published faster than you can say “rona”
Large and extensive mask study = takes 5 months to publish after making their findings public