Over the Past 24-Hours More Bizarre Happenings are Taking Place

This morning I contacted an attorney who told me to try and get as much information from Facebook as to why my account was deactivated.
I had only one way to reach out to Facebook, BUT for Facebook to provide me any details, I had to upload my driver’s license. I immediately felt leery about doing this step so I contacted the attorney again. He advised me to do so. I begrudgingly did so (which means Antifa will probably be on my doorstep tomorrow), only to receive an immediate response from Facebook stating “We Cannot Review the Decision to Disable Your Account. Your Facebook account was disabled because it did not follow our Community Standards. This decision can’t be reversed” (see picture at bottom). Once again, no further information was given to me as to what post violated what standards. As I stated previously, I have only been put in Facebook jail twice since joining the platform in 2006.
While waiting to hear back from the attorney, I began to research other platforms. Two platforms I have found to be very similar to Facebook are Vero and Raftr. I like both because neither are echo chambers – I refuse to limit myself to an echo chamber. With that being said, both required that they send me a text confirming my number before I could complete the sign-up process. The text never arrived so I called my service provider. I was informed that my number has been blocked from receiving text short codes from certain social media companies!!! What in the world!? I am a nobody! How did this happen? All I can figure is somehow Facebook proactively flags phone numbers associated with accounts it deactivates and those flags are sent to certain service providers. This is a guess – but it’s the only guess that makes sense considering I was signing up for various social media platforms without text short code issues just days prior to my deactivation. Anyways, I found this block easy to bypass. I created a Google voice number and used that number to get the text verification from social media platforms. It worked, but I am creeped out and concerned. What’s also odd to me is the fact I have been receiving numerous SCAM calls and texts since my Facebook has been deactivated.
As I stated to my Telegram audience, this afternoon I will have decided where I would like to reestablish my “Facebook family.” I pray that all of you spread the word when I do so that we are able to unite once again to share our healthy debate, critical thinking skills, and research on current events. Just know this, I won’t be traveling to an echo chamber, and if anything, it will be us entering a modern platform with few conservatives but with the freedom and ability to change the atmosphere. I look forward to you joining me. Lastly, for those looking to “go out with a bang” on Facebook, I will be sending out numerous templates containing information that makes Facebook fact-checkers squirm. You can choose what to share and when to share it. You can choose to give me credit or take the credit for yourself. It’s all up to you. I will provide my research in a way that makes it easy for you to just copy and paste to your Facebook newsfeeds. If willing, I would love for you to send me a detailed description of how you go down in flames on Facebook (ie: how many times you’re put in jail before deactivated, what exactly is flagged and when, etc…). You’ll be able to reach me on whatever platform I migrate to – right now I’m very much leaning towards Vero. But, prior to you using these templates, I’d love for you to help get the word out of my new location (wherever that may be). ALL of you have in some way helped me to gain followers so the more you spread the word, the more you help me to rebuild my base. Thank you again for taking the time to help me on this endeavor. I am forever grateful.