Back in Business

While I am still working on my website, I have the basics up and running. Please take the time to browse around and let me know if you come across any glitches. You’ll need a Telegram account to comment on the posts on my website so please sign up. I miss hearing from all of you. PLEASE spread the word on your Facebook. If you’re looking for a template to help me spread the word about my website and Telegram account, please feel free to use the one below:
As most of you know, Facebook has been censoring conservatives simply because they don’t agree with their opinions. It’s absurd. One of the people who has been permanently banned by Facebook for posting her conservative views is my friend Melissa Strzala. For those of you looking to connect with her she has designed her website to act as her new Facebook profile page: If you create a Telegram account you’re able to comment on her posts directly on her website. She told us that she’s still working on her website, but for now, she has designed one with the bare minimum so she can continue to share her research. Please bookmark her website and follow her on Telegram: