I find it intriguing that Biden has signed 52 Executive Orders in 3 weeks, but 0 new laws have went through Congress. He signed a FAR-REACHING climate change Executive Order on January 27th that seems to have serious implications, a few being:
• temporarily suspends new oil and gas leases on public lands or offshore waters (see our previous Legal Update2);
• seeks to restrict the use of funding from the Export-Import Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and other international financial organizations for carbon-energy projects and apply funds to clean energy projects;
• directs agencies to incorporate climate change considerations into their operations (including procurement policies); and
• makes environmental justice a priority for the Department of Justice.
While I’m not shocked he is trying to undue everything Trump did so he can quickly fast track things they wanted to do prior to Trump getting into office. What I AM shocked about is how they’ve somehow used the impeachment to distract from the fact that no legislation has been presented to Biden – not COVID legislation, school legislation, etc… Why?
Under Biden we will see something identical to what Obama did with his executive orders regarding climate change. Here are SOME of Obama’s failed green initiatives (you’ll notice this is clearly a money laundering scheme):
– In 2009, President Obama gave $17 million in stimulus tax credits to a Norwegian Company called Think City to build electric cars. By 2012 the company was bankrupt.
– In 2009, President Obama gave $118.5 million dollars in federal grant money to Enerl to manufacture batteries for the Think City cars. After spending $55 million they went belly-up.
– In 2010, President Obama gave $249 million in stimulus tax money to A123 Systems to develop a lithium ion electric battery. It failed and the company filed for bankruptcy.
– In 2010, President Obama gave Fisker’s Karma a $528.7 million taxpayer-backed loan. Fisker’s Karma was supposed to produce a six-figure sports car that was lean, mean, and green. It failed and also ended up filing bankruptcy.
– In 2011, President Obama gave $535 million dollars to Solyndra, a company looking to design solar panels. Within six months the company failed.
– In 2011, President Obama gave Korean companies, LG Chem and Dow Kokam, $300 million under the stimulus program to build electric car batteries in Michigan. The companies used the funds to buy Korean technology, equipment, and supplies, and they filled the jobs with Korean workers. It later went bankrupt.
– In 2012, President Obama gave $40-$60 million in taxpayer money to Abound Solar to develop more solar panels. It collapsed. It became the third failure, after Solyndra and Beacon, in the Department of Energy loan guarantee program known as “Section 1705.” (Many don’t know that Abound’s primary investors were Democratic donors who bundled funding for President Obama’s campaign).
President Obama had a zero success rate with his taxpayer-funded, green energy initiatives. The fact that anyone would initiate such a ridiculous Executive Order knowing what we know about Paris shows how very little they care about this country. This also does raise the question: should our government commit a great deal of tax dollars to projects that no one in their right mind would gamble with? It seems Democrats prefer to push his green initiatives whether they are beneficial or not.