Kids in Cages at the Border

Despite banning child separation early in his term Trump reduced the number of unaccompanied children coming to the US to a trickle. In less than a month Biden completely reversed that trend giving the US the largest population of incarcerated kids in the world.
Even The New York Times admits that Biden’s reversals of Trump’s immigration policies have created a crisis on our border with thousands of children being incarcerated along our southern border with tens of thousands more children en route (
Words matter and Biden’s political rhetoric suggesting America’s border is now open puts lives at risk. Families are giving their children to dangerous human traffickers to bring to the US often resulting in their exploitation sexually and otherwise ( When they get to the detention centers their sexual exploitation will continue if history is a guide (
I’m not surprised because I’ve talked about this time and time again. The liberals funnel money through the facilities while using the children as a slave class in and outside the bedroom. And there’s a reason conservatives like Laura Bush are oddly enough united with far-left liberals on this topic. Why? Because the Chamber of Commerce loves the cheap labor. While the media pushes the propaganda claiming the Trump administration was heartless for their treatment of illegal children, they aren’t talking about how heartless we are for allowing the Chamber of Commerce to use the illegals as a slave class. The Chamber of Commerce loves when more illegals arrive because it means more cheap labor. The wages of Americans drop while both RINO’s and Democrats’ corporate donors get a slave class. Most elitists in America use illegals as slaves in some way or another whether it’s in fields, factories, mansions, or, sadly, even bedrooms. Now that’s heartless.
But please continue to shout NO WALL because it won’t work! The swamp loves to use Americans as political pawns in their giant scheme. Your moral outrage solves nothing, shields them from their moral wrongdoings, and continues to keep people blind to the truth about the illegals and our slave trade.