I’m currently putting together some information to help you combat school administrators and CEOs when it comes to vaccination requirements. First and foremost, all of you need to understand (and spread the word) is the fact that the Covid shots cannot be mandatory. In fact, they are not even approved or licensed by the FDA, and are technically “investigational” with an emergency use authorization (EUA). Not only are they forcing these experimental injections on students, employees, and civilians if they want to keep their job or be a part of society, they are bribing and incentivizing you to get one. This is illegal. Despite all of this, the CDC has created a playbook for companies to be “vaccine champions,” instructing them on how to incentivize their employees and do vaccinations right in the workspace where everyone may be able to see who is getting vaccinated and who isn’t, potentially breaking HIPAA privacy laws ( I saw this coming when they began to show random nurses and doctors getting vaccinated on live television. Why do I care if Nurse Jackie got the injection? What does that have to do with my body and my healthcare choices? They were attempting to desensitize you to the idea of your private healthcare information becoming publicly available to employers and schools.
Just some helpful info:
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) decided on December 16, 2020 that companies can mandate their employees be vaccinated, with exception of medical or religious exemptions, but neglect to address the fact that no legislation allows for an EUA vaccine to be mandated. So, technically, you could potentially be fired for not complying or they may allow you to work remotely under the ADA due to the “direct threat” clause. The EEOC makes it clear that any incentives offered to those who get vaccinated, must also be given to those who cannot get vaccinated due to medical or religious exemptions. With that being said, the federal government cannot mandate the Covid shot, the FDA cannot mandate it, the Executive Secretary of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices states that an EUA injection cannot be mandated, state laws take precedence and can prohibit employers from mandating it, there is no legislation allowing for mandating an EUA vaccine, and the only one that seems to be instructing employers that they are allowed to mandate it is the EEOC, which is being reiterated by every major media news outlet.
Here’s What You Can Do:
A) Review legislation in your area and contact your representatives. Gather people in your area to follow suit. Many states are pushing to prohibit companies from requiring vaccinations/injections, so make sure yours is one of them. Here is a full list of current legislation as of April 7, 2021:,Committee%20on%20February%202%2C%202021
B) If you are considering getting the vaccination, please review this Family Financial Disclosure Form from Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report (
C) Create a printable flyer in pdf format for employees and students to print and give to their boss or school or send via email, with bullet points containing the above information and anything else that helps people understand their rights.
More info to come…